Resources to support you in the journey to a more just and inclusive society.
This report seeks to inform organizations that aim to conduct community engagement about the preparation needed to develop a community engagement plan and strategies that inspire participation and connect with residents in an authentic way
In 2017, Vitalyst Health Foundation supported a place-based investment in South Phoenix focusing on advancing two of its five goals: increasing the capacity and effectiveness of community-based leaders and increasing civic participation. This brief documents the investment journey and aims to begin articulating the ripple effect it had for the residents involved in the greater South Phoenix community
Each day policies and practices affect the health of families. Often, they are developed and enacted without significant input from the community members most affected. This brief highlights the process and the impact of Vitalyst Health Foundation’s investment (FY17-18) in Community-Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) in Maryvale. CBPAR is an approach designed to center those closest to the issues that impact their daily health and move them toward civic participation through a collaborative research process.
Storytelling is a powerful strategy to foster significant input from community members on needed changes to systems. However, all too often those who share their lived experience are not included in establishing the details of policies and practices. They become informants rather than influencers. This brief identifies three core change-functions of storytelling that highlight how to use this strategy to help people understand themselves and others as a form of civic participation with an emphasis on resident-informed systems change.
The workbook grew out of a series of storytelling training workshops conducted in the Spring of 2017 with resident leaders connected to Remain, Reclaim, Reimagine (RRR). RRR was a South Phoenix resident-centered group that intended to prevent displacement through equitable engagement practices. Members of RRR crafted, told, and analyzed stories to prepare themselves to help others in their community do the same. The purpose of this workbook is to provide other residents and community leaders a set of tools to find and foster the stories of the communities they live in and serve.
This presentation offers information about how sociocracy has been implemented in a nonprofit organization focused on providing mindfulness-based training in schools. Sociocracy supports collaborative management in the nonprofit sector and is in line with many mindfulness values.